Commit 644d57ce by ramdayalmunda

idea updated

parent 778e064f
var counter = 0; // counter is used to generate unique ids. and everytime a newId is assigned counter is increased, ++counter.
var defaultConfig = {
element: "",
pageSetup: {
// mm // these are in mm. //this is for user to see or when PDF will be required
width: 210,
height: 297,
// these will be calculated with the abloeve value so that the content is sharp and clearly visible to the user on browser UI
canvasWidth: 210,
canvasWidth: 297,
format: {
background: "#fff",
margin: 20, // mm //
canvasMargin: 20, // px //
border: "", // could be image or anything
style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
var dataType = [
"plainText", // plain text, normal text in a pdf or doc text
"list", // items displayed in a list format
// dataSet will hold the plain data. This will help us traverse the.
var dataSet = [
type: 0, // type 0, denotes it is plain text,
tabNumber: 0, // tab number by default is zero
plainText: "This is the plain text. This will be used to manage and handle the caret position on the canvas UI",
type: 1, // type 1, denotes it is a list,
itemType: "",
tabNumber: 0, // tab number by default is zero
items: [
plainText: "This is the first item in the list. it can be wrapped around the line if necessary"
plainText: "Second item is here."
plainText: "The list can be nested like this",
items: [
plainText: "First nested item is here"
plainText: "This is the second nested item"
type: 0, // this is just a blank line that is added
plainText: "",
// external Media set
var mediaAlignmentOptions = [
"In line", // the image will be considered as an character, // can be placed in between a word// dragging will show the new caret position.
"Wrap text", // image will cause the text to wrap around it,
"Break text", // image be placed between the lines, not affecting any other thing other than their y position.
"Behind text", // image will be placed behind text,
"In front of text", // image will be placed in front of the text,
var mediaSet = [
url: `${window.origin}/assets/img.jpg`,
style: {
dataSetIndex: 1, // meaning this belongs to the dataSet[1]
plainIndex: 100, // meaning this should be rendered after the 100th characters
alignment: 0, // this means// mediaAlignmentOptions[0]; which is "In line"
x: 100, // px // this will not work if alignment in 0
y: 100, // px // this will not work if alignment in 0
width: 200, // px
height: 200, // px
// this will hold data related to the canvas that is shown on the browser UI
var canvasList = [
id: ++counter, // everytime a canvas in created it is given some id like this,
el: document.createElement('canvas'), // this hold the canvas DOM element.
startingLineIndex: 0, // this tell what line the page starts from drawing.
// lines // this holds the array of each line// each element holds the styleing of each character present on tthat line
var formattedLines = [
chars: [
value: "T", x: 0, y: 28, style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
value: "h", x: 10, y: 28, style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
value: "i", x: 19, y: 28, style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
value: "s", x: 24, y: 28, style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
value: " ", x: 30, y: 28, style: {
fontSize: 70,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
bold: false,
italic: false,
fontColor: "#1e1f77"
// and so on ...
x: 0, // is the x coordinate of the starting point of the line.
y: 28, // is the y coordinate of the starting point of the line.
style: {
fontSize: 28,
bold: false,
italic: false,
// if a character does not have a style object then, it will share the style object from the previous character.
// if a character does not have a style and is the first character of the dataSet, then the default style will be picked
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