Commit 92eac048 by ramdayalmunda

rendering text via lines completed

parent 005bfb14
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ var ADocEditor = function (customConfig) {
id: ++counter,
type: 0,
formatedText: [],
plainContent: "Rendering text in HTML canvas involves using the CanvasRenderingContext2D interface to display text content within a canvas element. This process allows for dynamic text display, enabling the creation of custom text effects, labels, captions, or textual elements within the canvas.",
style: { }
......@@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ var ADocEditor = function (customConfig) {
if (!dataBlock.formatedText) dataBlock.formatedText = []
let lineObj = new getLineObj()
dataLineArr.push( lineObj )
let lineIndex = 0
......@@ -204,15 +206,23 @@ var ADocEditor = function (customConfig) {
let maxLineWidth = config.pageSetup.canvasWidth
let i=0
for (i=0; i<dataBlock.plainContent.length; i++){
let style = dataBlock?.formatedText?.[i]
if (!style) style = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( ) )
if ( /\s/.test(dataBlock.plainContent[i]) ){
wordEndIndex = i
lineObj.charEndIndex = wordEndIndex;
let charWidth = getCharacterWidth( canvasIndex, dataBlock.plainContent[i], style )
dataBlock.formatedText[i] = {,
width: charWidth
if (i==0){
style.bold = true; //render problem
dataBlock.formatedText[0].bold = true
lineObj.maxFontSize = style.fontSize
tempLineWidth += charWidth
if (tempLineWidth<=maxLineWidth){
// can be added to the line //
......@@ -254,19 +264,28 @@ var ADocEditor = function (customConfig) {
let x = 0
let y = 0
for (let l=0; l<lines.length; l++){
let style = dataSet[ lines[l].dataSetIndex ].style
if ( dataSet[ lines[l].dataSetIndex ]?.formatedText?.[lines[l].charStartIndex] ){
style = dataSet[ lines[l].dataSetIndex ]?.formatedText?.[lines[l].charStartIndex]
let maxFontSize = style.fontSize
y += maxFontSize
x = 0
y += lines[l].maxFontSize
let setData = dataSet[ lines[l].dataSetIndex ]
for (let c=lines[l].charStartIndex; c<lines[l].charEndIndex; c++){
let char = setData?.plainContent[ c ]
if (char){
let style = setData.formatedText[c]
ctx.font = `${style?.bold?'bold ':''}${style?.italic?'italic ':''} ${style.fontSize}px ${style.fontFamily}`
ctx.fillStyle = `${style?.fontColor}`
ctx.fillText( lines[l].plainContent, x,y )
ctx.fillText( char, x,y )
setData.formatedText[c].x = x
setData.formatedText[c].y = y
if (setData.formatedText[c]?.width){
x += setData.formatedText[c]?.width
console.log('dataSet', dataSet)
if (!caretData.blink && caretData.activeData) renderCaret()
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